I am currently at the research phase for this project. I will be adding links to other webpages as well as information stating how each method is used to diagnose hip dysplasia or degenerative joint disease in dogs. There are several different methods and it is often like comparing apples to oranges. We will only be using the Penn Hip method in our breeding program, which is the only hip assessment that has scientific research which proves it can be used to eliminate the likelihood of HD in your future generations. Some of the methods I will discuss or provide information are OFA, Penn Hip, OVC (Canada), and the South African Onderstepoort method currently done by Kirberger, DVM. This is to provide a one-stop way to find much of the info needed regarding boerboel hip health. The parents of most of our dogs were hip tested using the SA method (Kirberger). It is important to understand what a "0,0" or "1,1" and so forth means to us as breeders.
I have attached a link to a very basic article that was prepared for the SABT newsletter by Eric in 2001. It explained the need for hip assessment and how the OFA/Penn Hip assessments are performed. I wanted to have at least some information available until I am able to expand things further.